

Spring Cleaning: 3 techniques to declutter your mind

I don’t know what it is about spring, but every year I feel I need to start a deep clean and purge in my house. Suddenly the things I had laying around for winter, I now find cumbersome. My eyes see clothes to give away, cabinets to scrub, and windows that need washing. Even though it hasn’t felt like spring with all the crazy weather, I still feel the spring cleaning itch. Just like our homes need cleaning to prepare for the new season, so do our minds. Our minds can get cluttered with mountain[...]

Good night: 3 evening habits to cultivate a healthy mindset

While most people focus on creating powerful morning habits, productive moms realize what you do in the evening is just as important. Cultivating a healthy mindset for a new day is often connected to how we ended the day before. Just think about it. Did you stumble through your evening just to make it to bed exhausted, worn out, and numb from the day? Have you ever started your day feeling like you’re already behind? Or, in true mom fashion, frantically rushed through your house just trying to[...]

Fresh thoughts: 3 straightforward steps to stop overthinking everything

Why did I say that? Ugh. I never say anything right.What did she mean by that?Did I do something to offend him? He didn’t speak to me today.I need to pick up eggs, milk, and cookies for the class party tomorrow. Wait, what was I supposed to do after the meeting tomorrow? I hope I do not forget something. The list goes on and on. Instead of being able to rest at night or enjoy being present, you are trapped in your thoughts of what you could have, would have, or should have done. One thought starts to snowba[...]

Remove the mask: 3 standout ways to live an authentic life

She stands there smiling, nodding her head, responding but not listening. To everyone else, she is strong. She has it all together. People often ask, “How in the world can you do it all?” They want to see the superwoman. So, she wears the mask. She hides her pain, her shame, her anger, her hurt behind the mask of her smile. Afraid her truth cannot be accepted. Afraid that her truth will keep her from being loved. Do you know this woman? Is she you? I must admit, I know this woman. She has been me.[...]