

5 types of self-care

5 types of self-care to include in your healing journey

Self-care may seem obvious or easy to do, but sometimes it’s a little more complicated. Although we believe self-care is essential, the demands of life pull at our time and demand our attention. Before we know it, we wear our exhaustion as a badge of honor instead of modeling to others the importance of a holistic self-care practice for well-being. Learning how to incorporate various types of self-care in our daily lives helps our healing process. Sadly, too many of us are conditioned to ignore, overloo[...]

Spring Cleaning: 3 techniques to declutter your mind

I don’t know what it is about spring, but every year I feel I need to start a deep clean and purge in my house. Suddenly the things I had laying around for winter, I now find cumbersome. My eyes see clothes to give away, cabinets to scrub, and windows that need washing. Even though it hasn’t felt like spring with all the crazy weather, I still feel the spring cleaning itch. Just like our homes need cleaning to prepare for the new season, so do our minds. Our minds can get cluttered with mountain[...]

A new norm: 12 ways to thrive as a suddenly-at-home parent

Wow! Within the last week, thousands of schools were closed, and a multitude of parents became “suddenly-at-home” parents. From being told to work from home (if that is even an option) and now being responsible for “homeschooling” your kids, most parents are just trying to figure out the next step. If this is you, you are not alone. Many parents have more questions than answers. We are striving to find some sort of norm, giving more screen time than usual, searching for toilet tissue, and[...]

Gratitude Attitude: 3 ways to tackle self-pity with gratitude

Things never go my way. I’m always messing up. They never listen to me. I don’t matter. Ever had any of these thoughts?  I know I have—more than I care to admit. I get it. Some days are hard. Sometimes we make mistakes. We all have those thoughts of self-pity and doubt.  While it can be challenging to avoid those negative thoughts, we can choose to exchange our self-pity for gratitude. Self-pity keeps our eyes on blame, fear, and discontent.  If we are not careful, self-pity will immobili[...]