

Spring Cleaning: 3 techniques to declutter your mind

I don’t know what it is about spring, but every year I feel I need to start a deep clean and purge in my house. Suddenly the things I had laying around for winter, I now find cumbersome. My eyes see clothes to give away, cabinets to scrub, and windows that need washing. Even though it hasn’t felt like spring with all the crazy weather, I still feel the spring cleaning itch. Just like our homes need cleaning to prepare for the new season, so do our minds. Our minds can get cluttered with mountain[...]

End Well: 3 simple ways to finish the year strong

December is a full month for me. I normally order my new planner, start my yearly reflection, and begin planning for the new year. This year, however, I heard the Holy Spirit quietly whisper something new—“End Well.” In the planning for the next year, I took my eyes off what God wanted to do right NOW and how God wanted this year to end. God is still moving. God is still healing. God is still blessing. God is still reconciling. God is still a way maker. God has work HE still wants to do THIS year. I don[...]

Gratitude Attitude: 3 ways to tackle self-pity with gratitude

Things never go my way. I’m always messing up. They never listen to me. I don’t matter. Ever had any of these thoughts?  I know I have—more than I care to admit. I get it. Some days are hard. Sometimes we make mistakes. We all have those thoughts of self-pity and doubt.  While it can be challenging to avoid those negative thoughts, we can choose to exchange our self-pity for gratitude. Self-pity keeps our eyes on blame, fear, and discontent.  If we are not careful, self-pity will immobili[...]

Good night: 3 evening habits to cultivate a healthy mindset

While most people focus on creating powerful morning habits, productive moms realize what you do in the evening is just as important. Cultivating a healthy mindset for a new day is often connected to how we ended the day before. Just think about it. Did you stumble through your evening just to make it to bed exhausted, worn out, and numb from the day? Have you ever started your day feeling like you’re already behind? Or, in true mom fashion, frantically rushed through your house just trying to[...]