
Time management

Work Well: 3 healthy thoughts to improve your productivity

Every moment of your day is precious. Are you treating it that way? From the moment you wake up to when you lay your head to rest, your time matters. Are you using your time wisely? Did you know what you think has a direct correlation to the productivity of your day? Just give it some thought. When you enter your workplace already thinking, “I don’t want to be here,” how well do you work? Are you working with excellence or only doing the minimum? Look, being productive is not a mystery, but it does r[...]

Determined to finish: 3 ways to push through when you feel pulled away

You’ve done it. Your goals are written. Your meals are planned. Your alarms are set. You mapped out all the steps for a positive, productive week. What you didn’t plan for is the discomfort you feel in the process of making healthy changes. Oh yes—the difficult parts. The parts of juggling being a wife, a mom, a professional, and let's not forget it's the first week of school. The parts of wanting and planning for change when you see no results. We start to feel stressed out, anxious and overwhelmed[...]

School time: 3 strategies to empower children to take ownership of their learning

It’s back to school time. Stores are full of parents are who torn between enthusiasm and exhaustion. Walking around with school lists on their screens, they are the ones trying to herd children lulled to colorful “must haves” not on the list. With energy poured into preparing for school to start, we often miss creating the environment to help our children succeed for the new school year. Most of us usually plan to continue the routines we had the year before. Sometimes that works, until it doesn’t.[...]

Refresh & Renew: 3 everyday habits to stop so you can enjoy your day

We all have some bad habits.  We just don't think about how they get in the way of living he life we want. If you don't take notice, these bad habits interrupt your day, preventing you from being present in your relationships and accomplishing your goals. You end up paying the price both physically and mentally. By the end of the day, you go to bed drained, discouraged, and feeling disconnected. Even when we make up our minds to enjoy our day, our bad habits find a way to mess it up. Now, I don’t h[...]