

Journaling tips that work

Journaling tips that work: How to start journaling

Have you ever purchased a cute journal or two with every intention to start journaling, but never use it? It's okay. You are not alone. Shamefully, I have purchased more than my fair share of journals just because they were cute but I never used them. I had good intentions. That should count, right?!! Even though we know the positive benefits of using journals, it’s easy to become overwhelmed or become distracted from journaling regularly. Journaling can start to feel like one more thing for us to[...]

It’s been one year

Hello friends, Yesterday we celebrated our one-year blogaversary.  What a year it has been!  Instead of forging forward with a new blog post or a blogaversary party, I decided to take a pause. A pause to embrace right were I am. A pause to recognize all the steps to this point. A pause to acknowledge the support of others who helped me get here. A pause to assess the cost of making it to this point. A pause to remember the getting back up when I wanted to quit it all away. A pause to praise God for r[...]

Hello New Beginnings

Hi, I'm Mamie and welcome to my blog.  If you were sitting next to me, I would go ahead and give you the biggest hug (usually, I do try to ask first).  I am ecstatic you are here with me.   Normally this would be the place where other professionals say you should tell your reader a little about yourself.  So, I could share several facts about myself that evolved with age, like I wanted to change my name once I turned 18 or I thought I wanted to be a lawyer when I grew up.  But one fact I would definitel[...]